Disclaimers and Privacy Policy

Corporate information

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform users that this website is owned by: Sabico Security SA Zuatzu Business Park Bidasoa Building, Floor 2 – Local 3. 20018, Donostia-San Sebastián CIF: A-20202487 mail: info@sabico.com.


Sabico Security, SA, through the contact form located on the “Contact” and via “Newsletter” for the purpose of communicating news about your products through its newsletter, on this site requests data personal nature will be automatically processed and incorporated into the corresponding files. Data will be treated according to the Organic Law of Personal Data Protection 15/1999 and whose files are legally registered in the General Register of Personal Data.

Sabico Security SA, responsible for those files, understand that when you send us personal information through various forms contained in this website or by email, is giving us permission and consent to include such data our automated files, albeit revocable, and accepts the conditions stated below treatment.

Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition data

The information requested is strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and in any case you are required to provide us with personal data, even when some of them absolutely essential (eg e-mail) not wanting prevent us facilitate them to perform certain services we offer.

This website collects personal data through a form, the conditions shall be construed that you accept when you click the SUBMIT button located on the data collection form that previously you had to fill.

The data in our files are absolutely confidential and used exclusively internally and for the purposes indicated.

The data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and meeting all the requirements provided for in Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data. 15/1999. Your personal information will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties without your prior consent.

How to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of data?

At any time you are entitled to access to our files to check your embedded data, correct and unsubscribe, if you no longer wish to be evidenced by them. In case of cancellation of personal data, they will be locked not being more available to Sabico Security S.A.

These rights are free and will be conducted within the time limits in the Act.

You can communicate the right you want to exercise in the email info@sabico.com for cancellation, or our postal address in the “Corporate Information” section.

Users can send their petitions, requests and complaints through the above addresses.


sabico.com is a Web site with information and specific content related to the world of security. Access to this content is free and without restriction, subject to the provisions of this document, but for certain services (virtual store, area distributors, application forms, etc.) will require setting up or registration in our database as well as acceptance of the conditions, if any, applicable. Safety Sabico S.A. at all times reserves the right to change the contained information on the website, its choice, organization, tools and functionality, as well as this Privacy Policy without notice. The provisions of this Legal Notice shall apply to users of this website subject to the special conditions, that may be applied in each case.

Protection and Use of Content

The contents of this website, including without limitation, text, images, animations, sounds, logos, trademarks, software and any other items that may constitute protectable under the law on intellectual property, as well as all these, both in its programming, structure, organisation, cataloguing, indexing, layout and design. It is a protected database as such in accordance with the laws and international treaties on intellectual property, which shall belong exclusively to Sabico Security SA. All rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, in whole or in part, except where expressly stated and to the extent that is necessary for the use or access to the services provided therein are reserved. “Sabico”, “Security Sabico” and / or logos are trademarks of Sabico Security SA, any use of these names and pictures by unauthorised parties being banned. Domain names are also www.sabico.com sabico.com and exclusive property of Sabico Security SA.

The contents of the third-party, when indicated, belong to companies, organisations or individuals of reference that have ceded the rights to reproduce or use provision or through this website.

In any case, access, distribution, display or make available of any earlier content through the web site, whether Sabico Security SA or third parties does not imply recognition of any rights or attribution in favour of others. Nor gives its users more than the right to display, reproduce, print and download the contents of the web whenever the following conditions are met:

  1. .What is complied with the purposes of the web and does not damage the image and reputation of Sabico Security SA, its customers, suppliers or partners, or the products or services of any of these.
  2. What is made personal and private use of them. In general, any exploitation or use for commercial or promotional purposes is prohibited.
  3. What intellectual or industrial property of Sabico SA Security will be respected, as well as other owners of content. Failure compliance with the above conditions constitutes an illegal activity, which may lead to the exercise of civil or criminal appropriate actions under applicable law.
  4. .Protection of Personal Data Sabico Security, SA stores and manages personal data relating to users of this website based on the services provided. The processing of such data, including the IP address of the computer that sends the information, shall be made pursuant to the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data. They will be included in the corresponding files belonging to that entity or used for maintaining business relationships with our clients and users and answering inquiries, suggestions or concerns regarding our products or services. Where expressly indicated, the data marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. Without which we might not deal with this Sending previous information through the sections, whether advertising, communication, contact, or any other, will lend you consent to the treatment described, and to send commercial communications relating to our products or services or those of our partners, advertisers or sponsors. Your information will be treated confidentially, applying the technical and organisational measures set out in the legislation to prevent access, improper handling or disposal, without, unless express consent for their part, are to be transferred to other entities or third parties outside of cases permitted by law. In cases of sending us your details for the purpose of publishing a notice or public comment, will be considered us equally we are authorised to publish his contact details such as name, email address, phone number or other expressly indicated. In any case, you can at any time exercise their rights of access, cancellation or rectification in relation to such data, upon request to any of the addresses listed in this Legal Notice and accompanied by a photocopy of your Identity Card or equivalent. Safety Sabico S.A. may use cookies to personalise and facilitate navigation of the user for their websites. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and computer, and do not provide references that allow the User’s personal data. Users may set your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by www.sabico.com, without affecting the ability of the user to access the content.
  5. .Exclusions and restrictions of liability. The contents appearing on this site is offered for informational purpose. Safety Sabico S.A. monitors and maintains an update from them, but can not guarantee its accuracy, reliability or complete absence of errors, computer viruses and other applications that could harm the user’s computer system or the content hosted on this; the permanent availability of information, or specific interruptions for maintenance or upgrade. Anyway, we commit us as soon as possible to correct any errors, interruptions in communication and failure to update such content. With respect to third party content, including hypertext links, civil, criminal or administrative liability of Sabico Security SA, as a provider of brokerage services will be limited by the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Therefore, we can not attribute any responsibility unless the activities or related information: 1) is unlawful declared or harmful affecting the rights or interests of third parties by an agency or authority. (2) May be expressly communicated prior resolution or ordered to remove or access to it directly Sabico Security, SA; and (3) failure to comply the terms of the resolution.

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    SABICO GROUP is a corporation that operates in the Security field since 1989. [+]">[+]
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