Advisory and Consultancy Services
-Security Auditing.
-Definition and Restyle Computer Security Policy.
-Configuration and development of secure networks and systems.
-Alignment with compliance the provisions of the Data Protection Act.
-Alignment with reference standards (ISO 17799, BS 7799 and EN 71502).
-Developments of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Phishing Specific Plans.
-Creating Monitoring Systems Early Warning.
-Comprehensive Audit of Safety.
-Consulting in Passive Physical Security:
- Barriers of perimeter protection.
- A Passive Physical protection at Intermediate Area, between perimeter and core or building.
- Barriers on Access to core unit.
- Barriers on Access, already at core unit.
- Safety Glazing.
- Security Containers.
- Panic Room
- Passive fire protection.
-Electronic Security Consulting:
- CCTV systems, anti intrusion systems and access control to Perimeter.
- CCTV systems, anti intrusion systems and access control in intermediate zone or Second Circuit of Security.
- CCTV systems, anti intrusion systems and access control in central unit.
- Video Analysis Software.
- Creating Local Security Control Centres.
- Outsourcing Security Control Centres.
- Alarm Receiving Centre.
- Fire Protections Systems.
- Maintenance.
- Electronic Sweeps.
- Explosive Detection Systems.
On the walls of Intelligence military site states the following Latin sentence: “Ex Notitia Victoria” (“knowledge is victory”).
Undoubtedly, globalization, technological revolution and the present crisis scenario in economic-financial terms is forcing enterprises to sharpen their wits in search of a better position than their competitors on domestic and international markets. For this purpose, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms to obtain information orderly, a methodology of risk analysis, of the designed tools for competition monitoring, and defence against information attacks, etc.
From the Strategic Consulting GROUP Sabico is offered to the market therefore:
- Design of the Strategic Plan.
- Design of mechanisms to obtain information, to be transformed into competitive Intelligence: needs analysis, query secondary data sources, query primary data sources, analysis, distribution, use and evaluation.
- Development of Risk Analysis.
- Training in Business Intelligence field.
- Counter-Information Plan design.
- Technology Control Plan design.
- Training in the use of IT Tools and Intelligence: data mining, data warehouse, EIS, etc.).
- Competitive Intelligence Reporting.
- Development of Specific Safety Plans in Projects R&D&I
- Development of Specific Safety Plans prior to Phase Patent.
- “Google is at your service to improve your competitiveness”; Use Network Plan in benefit of improving competitiveness.
Furthermore for the sake of the foregoing, here is the following catalogue of rules applied to industrial safety, and from them arise obligations on taking physical security measures, technological, human and procedural:
- Advice on aspects of security from TBC (Technical Building Code).
- Advice on issues relating to security, born from the Self-Protection Regulation.
- Advice on aspects of Fire Safety, coming from the RD 2267/2004 and 314/2006.
- Advice on Rating Methodology Areas Fire and Explosion risk.
Likewise, in those cases whatever enforceable to industries to having these plans, here are the services provided to our clients:
- Development of Emergency Plans.
- Development of Self-Protection Plans.
- Reviewing, maintenance and modification Emergency Plans and Protection Plans.
- Operator Security Plan (OSP) in Critical Infrastructures.
- Specific Protection Plan (SPP), in Critical Infrastructures.
- Port Facility Security Plan (FSP), under the ISPS, commonly known as ISPS Code.
- Developing Security Plans Quarter NATO / NATO.
Last but not least, far from being easily salable products, as long as the potential buyer has no obligation to dispose of them, we also will offer to the market:
- Security Policy Design and Security Master Plan draft writing.
- Security Awareness Program.
- In-Company Security Training.
- Specific Safety Plans (Environmental Security, Information Security, Labour Health and Safety, Safety of Distribution Chain, etc.).
- Plan for Reducing Shrinkage.
- Plan for Prevention of Industrial Espionage.
- Plan for counter-espionage industrial.
- Plan for Major Events.
- Plan for Smart Investors on Security.
- Plan for Transportation Safety of Funds, Securities and Goods.
- Plan for Dangerous Goods Safety.
- Technical Advisory on closed Bidding Contracts process.
These enterprises, generally contractors and engineering companies, already have Security Departments. The idea is to stop Strategic Consulting Department managers from travelling to conflict zones, which entail a risk. The hiring the Department of Strategic Consulting of Sabico GROUP fits for such purposes, especially at the dedicated risks analysis stage.
See examples of past events that may have required operational work of the Strategic Consulting of the Sabico GROUP:
- Assistance to managers and employees of YPF in expatriation; following its nationalization in Argentina.
- Assistance to expatriation of managers of Red Eléctrica Española in Bolivia.
- Assistance to expatriation of managers of Repsol and Sacyr in Libya.
- Assistance to managers and employees of the Bruesa Group in Libya.
Having said that, here there are some of the dedicated services from Strategic Consulting of SABICO GROUP could be offered to Spanish and foreign companies located in “Hot Zones”:
- Development of Criminology and Victimology Analysis, in Phase of Basic Preliminary Draft.
- Creating the Map of Security Lodgings (Interior Evacuation).
- Creating the Map of Security Road.
- Creating the Map of Safe Leisure Companies.
- Security Plan Design for buildings or facilities where employees and managers develop their professional activity.
- Development of Primary Extraction Plans (Security Evacuation to bordering countries.).
- Development of Permanent Extraction Plans (Security Evacuation to home country,)